Though social distancing is not beneficial for small businesses, the government has no other option but to impose the same amid the corona crisis. As far as foot traffic is concerned, it has dipped significantly since the COVID-19 epidemic created havoc all over the world. People are requested to stay at home and practice self-quarantine. The effect of the pandemic is deep and lasting for small businesses. Then, businesses need to operate to survive even during the pandemic.
There are some ways to retain customers amid the crisis to ensure businesses keep making money and profits. Here is how:
- Michael Giannulis favors promoting gift cards
It is true indeed that the corona crisis has led to poor sales and a dearth of cash flow. Then, if you promote gift cards, it is a quick infusion of funds and ensures that a buyer will come to your business in the days to come. If you have a restaurant, for example, where profits did dip drastically during the pandemic, the use of gift cards will help you survive the crisis and after the pandemic as well.
If you take the example of Seattle customers, they are making genuine efforts to ensure bars, cafes, and restaurants do not dry up. They support the use of gift cards for keeping these businesses afloat at these troubled times.
You can offer e-gift cards to avoid human contact or collaborate with a third-party partner such as Uber Eats so that customers can use their gift cards at your café or bistro.
- Keep communication proactive with your audience
Michael Giannulis likes the idea of proactive communication with customers. Buyers can empathize with small business owners provided communication is open and appreciated. Make sure your buyers know whether you are shutting down business or operating for limited hours amid the corona epidemic. It is the best way to keep business operating maintaining social distancing. It will not only help your small business to stay afloat but also ensure the safety of your customers and employees.
Closing your business permanently is not the solution to the current crisis. You can close temporarily or work for a couple of hours to facilitate your business as well as customers. When your store is open, take precautionary steps like maintaining the distance between people, using sanitizers, and encouraging digital payments.
- Encourage online services
Going digital is the best way to let your customers buy stuff from the comfort of their homes. When doctors, therapists, and personal trainers are using video chats and web-based services, your business can do that too. Use free tools such as Skype, Hangouts, Zoom, and more. Taking your services online amid the crisis will help you maintain social distance and the safety of your staff and customers.
For a few businesses, the greatest challenge has been that of canceled events. You can host an event online and reach out to your targeted audience.
At the point when the pandemic will at last end is tantamount to anyone’s estimate.
Organizations, paying little heed to estimate, are battling in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are detailing record-low deals, record-high lay-offs, and hopeless development gauges. Actual workplaces and stores are shut, incidentally for some yet forever for other people. Little and medium-scale organizations with restricted assets are enduring the worst part of the pandemic.
About 51% of independent ventures in the US won’t have the option to keep working for over a quarter of a year in view of the effect of the pandemic. The overview additionally found that 75% of these independent ventures have been affected by less deals.
Today, it is not, at this point an issue of pushing forward of your opposition yet a greater amount of how to keep your business above water. For the time being, your need is to withstand the monetary effects of COVID-19.
The following are an independent company promoting methodologies you ought to investigate:
Establish a similarity to regularity in your activities. Photograph Courtesy of Artem Beliaikin through Pexels.Your clients may feel awkward on the off chance that you acquaint revolutionary changes with your items and administrations as of now. Along these lines, endeavor to stay predictable with your contributions.
For example, on the off chance that you were giving a feast in administrations, pre-pandemic, keep on doing as such (as the circumstance would permit), if you apply new wellbeing and disinfection norms, for example, noticing just half seating limit. Supplement it with getting and conveyance administrations.
As you move along, you may step by step change your items and benefits or digitize your tasks. Get input from your clients, and utilize these to manage you in adjusting your business to the new typical. Ensure you let your kin know about any changes–regardless of how little that may influence client experience.
Worldwide pandemic
Utilize this worldwide pandemic as an open door for you to reexamine your plan of action, and gradually acclimate to the unfurling new typical. Begin zeroing in your business on the necessities and inclinations of your clients. You should have the option to address the accompanying inquiries:
- What is their certainty level?
- What items and administrations have they been picking since the beginning of the lockdown?
- How willing would they say they are to spend for your offers?
- Do they lean toward shop visits or home conveyances?
- What are they anticipating from an independent venture, similar to yours, during the pandemic?
This can likewise be an open door for you to associate with your clients. Ring them, send them email updates, or contact them by means of online media.
Fabricate or revamp your business, in view of what your clients need and need and not on what you need to make. Remain above water all through this troublesome time by turning into a client driven business.
Now that you have these tips to retain your customers, implement them to keep your business afloat amid the COVID-19 crisis. Shutting the business is not a solution. Go online and keep making money to survive the challenge.