Augmented reality is a technology that generates an interactive experience of a real-world using the existing reality and physical objects to trigger computer-generated enhancements over the top of reality, in real-time. Many users are going to feed by augmented reality. The involvement of this technology in various sectors is going to enhance the required information to elaborate or describe in an informative way to avoid the time and money to spend and think to understand the concept and reduce the burden.
It is currently trending in the software sector as the hottest demand to work and develop the application for the clients. There is much organization and a company has started to invest in app development companies to get in update with technology and elevates their market range. By forecasting the market of augmented reality it is going to amount nearly 16.8 billion U.S. dollars in the year 2019 as per Statista data. I have listed down the list of fields that are going to experience the augmented reality.

Sports Industry
The person with more passion for games to play and watch gives them joy and energy to enhance their health. Some people may wish to play and some like person to watch the games. Mostly the group mixed with both factors can compensate their mind and happiness. When it comes to augmenting reality to watch the games, it can be more interactive by knowing the statistics and see the ball or any movement of the gaming object trajectory and its speed right at the stadium. This creates a moment with more conscious and alertness on the game by replay and comments the thoughts on the sport.
Retail Industry
Augmented reality creates a huge satisfaction on the customer’s experience. For instance, you are going to shop for a product from the shopping mall, and using your smartphone with the AR app it expresses the product with its brand, price, material, size, etc. Even it can show the discount and offers without the salesperson. These features attract the public to get in touch with AR apps. The technology creates an engagement between the product and them.
Let me give you the best example, consider that you are travelling in a car and suddenly it gets to break down and by next chance, you need to call a mechanic to repair it if you do no the work but using the AR app it displays the vie of repaired part and guidance to clear it than calling the mechanic which saves time and money.
Shopping Industry
It will be confusing to think about the interior design that suits your surroundings. And almost you have no ideas to prefer the colour or furniture for the interior. This is where the augmented reality takes place. The AR app displays the interior design based on your place environment. As a real-life example, the company called IKEA has already introduced to its customer which gets popular their brand and increases the sales rate. It can even scale-out design in means of colours and furniture can be preferred according to match your other furniture in the room.

Medical Industry
The apps with artificial intelligence are getting famous and gaming app with virtual reality, also getting popular among the industries. Thus in the case of augmented reality, the doctors can view the 3D image of an MRI while talking to patients to analyze their movements without travelling from the place.
Tourism Industry
Tourism is a moment of enjoyment until you don’t get hesitant with place by unknowing the route. It is important to make a guide on the route you travel and with that, you need to know the best food place and to stay. As it is a new place there might be a chance of getting fooled by the local peoples and spend your money without any reason. Thus by using the map, you can find the route even though still you need a clear detail on the place of what does it stable for. Thus by using the AR app, it is easy to find out the places with hotels and ratings by using the device technology together to explore the place very well.
Arts Industry
To get painted the walls is a huge processing time to complete the task by choosing the exact match for your walls and also need to measure the walls to buy the paint according to that. By using the AR app it is really fun to know the exact matching paint color of your walls and can measure the wall size according to that. You can utilize the app to know the labor charge to get the paint to your walls.
Engineering Industry
In engineering terms, the evergreen stream called civil is much useful by the AR technology. It allows creating system-generated images in the CAD model into a user’s view of the real world. Using the advanced camera and sensor technology, the AR creates a combined model of the image and presents in real-time.
Business Industry
Every business required analytics and statistics to analyze the graph in their market and gain profit. It is important to visualize the data easily but difficult to grasp the data without an interactive visualization. Thus the AR gives the solution when it comes to visualize the data and share them among people or your teammates with an interactive approach.
Education Industry
The education system is going to enjoy the learning process with a more detailed informative explanation. The AR technology elevates the standard of the education by integrating with application to enhance the topics or any subjects for studying
Augmented reality technology is going to touch the peak of the notch by many industries. The popularity is still rising. Be familiar with AR you have to build a strong basement on coding languages and certain tools with 3D modelling for native app development, computer vision, etc. I hope the above information may help to know about the influence of AR in the upcoming fields.
Author Bio:
Harnil Oza is CEO of Hyperlink InfoSystem, an app development company in New York and India, having a team of the best app developers who deliver the best mobile solutions mainly on Android and iOS platforms. He regularly contributes his knowledge on leading blogging sites.