Instagram may hide user like count

Instagram is set to test the new feature that hides the user likes count. Instagram said that they are testing this feature that potentially puts the user focus on photos rather than the number of likes. In the past few years, we have seen how Instagram has changed after it was acquired by Facebook. Thousand of Instagram celebrities have surfaced/shot to overnight fame with Instagram. Some people feel that Instagram originality has been lost since it has been acquired by Facebook. They have renewed more focus on paid/sponsored growth rather than organic growth.

Why Instagram is planning to hide user like counts?

At the recently held F8 developer Facebook said it will start testing this feature for the Instagram users of Canada. So from next week, the Instagram user in Canada will not be able to see like counts on photos. They also said they are seriously considering to make this Instagram feature mainstream in due time.  Here is how your Instagram will look like if this like count gets shelved:

instagram to hide user like counts

This feature if rolled out globally will garner mixed reactions from the users but I personally feel that it will be great. In due course of time, Instagram has somewhere lost it originality deviating from what it was made for. Nowadays we see how Instagram has been about like counts or the no. of followers that you have.

Are you an Instagram blogger? What do you think about this?

Source – Petapixel 

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