The china biggest E-commerce player Alibaba is planing to enter in India market this year. They looking some good opportunities which can be explored soon.
As per company source they are planning ...
Terry Bollea also known as Hulk Hogan will get $ 115 million fine as per court oder to Gawker Media to publish a sex-tape in which Hulk Hogan is having sex with his friends wife. The sex tape case is ...
Hello friends, I am going to tell you a unique trick to use dual Whatsapp in one android phone. Whatsapp is highly running cross-platform mobile messaging app also you can use Whatsapp on your ...
Dominos is doing trial with its feature product where its Pizza oder will be delivered by a automated robot. The company is doing this project with a Australian technology startup Marathon Targets. ...
Latest research says that woman need about 20 minute of extra sleep then men because their brain are wired differently as compared to men. Research says that Women are more in multi tasking which ...
The NGO in India bring a concept of Zero Rupee Note which should be the next bribe for the corrupt officials system in India.
This is new concept brought by a NGO named as 5th Pillar, There are more ...
The HTC has created its own reputed position in market of technology, the products of this flagship are known for the best quality. The last release HTC M9 is really beautiful look wise and the ...
Sony provides its costumer what’s they want to have experience, the Xperia series in SmartPhones is known for the best experience. The conference at MWC 2016 Barcelona 22 February the company clears ...
Samsung is known for the latest and versatile technologies, this year the biggest flagship company Samsung has been revealed Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge at 21 Feb 206. The Samsung ...
The big success of One Plus 2 in past months is making positive impact to the flagship. The big rumor is in market is about the One Plus 3, after the leaked news of OnePlus 3 the people are just ...