The year 2024 is full of downs and down for many people and now the epidemic of COVID -19 (Corona Virus) is making it the worst year. Things are now getting worse, more than 500 K people are infected worldwide and approx 25K people have already died. The Government of almost all countries announced self-quarantine during the outbreak of Corona Virus.
But surviving this self-quarantine duration is not too easy for most people who work so hard at their work and don’t get a proper time to rest. You might be also one of those guys who are now frustrated because of this lock down and now looking for a way to keep yourself busy with some interesting things to do in self quarantine during the COVID -19 outbreak.
50 Things That Will Help You To Survive During Self-Quarantine
I’m also a victim of this global widespread and working from home to my office. But after work when I get time like just before the Quarantine, now the resources are limited for entertainment. That’s why I made a large bucket list of interesting things that I’m already using to keep myself busy from Corona quarantine. Let’s explore together 50 best tips to keep yourself busy during the global quarantine.
Solve Puzzle
Solving puzzles is one of the best time consuming things that is done by many people before self-quarantine. You can find different types of puzzles over the internet, newspaper or in the magazine too. So first start with an easy level if you are a beginner and increase the level everyday if possible.
Make a Blog
Remember when you want to share your daily life routine, cooking tips, fashion or some other things on your blog. But you don’t have time to do this before because of unavailability of time. Now it’s a perfect time to start a blog on your desired niche. Doing this will keep you super busy at the time of the COVID -19 outbreak.
It’s time to be a Bookaholic
When all the people are inside their house and nobody around you then how about starting reading a book. Choose any category of a book like romantic, horror or other to read and complete it as soon as possible.
Movie Marathon
This self-quarantine can be so boring but if you have a large collection of movies and web series then you don’t have to find yourself in the boredom zone. Take a movie marathon every day and take something to eat before starting because you don’t wanna ruin this program for sure.
Learn Foreign Languages
There’s no doubt that foreign languages can be very helpful to get you a better job. During the period of quarantine, you can learn foreign languages like German, Spanish, Italian or some other as per interest.
Talk With Your Relatives and Family Member Over Internet
Are you one of those busy people who didn’t get a chance to spend time with family then now you can. Spend your time with family and relatives you care about.
Meditation For Inner Peace
Meditation is very useful trick that people use from ancient times to calm in a hard situation.
Find The Inner Photographer
Take a camera and start taking some unusual pics to increase your photographing skills. You can produce more ideas related to photographing in this self-lock down.
What About Writing Some Poems or Songs
Who doesn’t love songs and poems? If you have already completed your song collection multiple times then it’s time for writing your own songs and poems. Also, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.
Learn Calligraphy
You can also improve your calligraphy skill in this COVID-19 lock down and when the outbreak is over you can shock your friends with it.
Try New Recipes
Learn new recipes via Youtube, recipe books and some other methods today. This will help you to add some more items to your home menu.
Become a Family Member
If you are not spending your time with your family for a long time then now you can do it. This is a hard time and your family needs you with you.
Appreciate Government and Serving Groups
There are various front warriors who are working 24*7 to protect us from Corona Virus. You can appreciate the government, doctors, police for their services.
Improve Your Group Discussion Skill
If you have a low group discussion skill and want to improve it then you can do this too. Make a video call with your friends and start doing this every day.
Do Some Home Workout
If you are skipping the gym because of this epidemic, then you can do the workout from home.
Become a Portrait
If you love drawing and portraits then you can try this at home. Learn to make portraits during this lock down duration.
Try Coloring Books
Rewind your childhood by coloring some picture books. It will help you to remember your sweet old days where you don’t have any tension.
Bubble Bath and a Glass of Wine
When you get stressed out by doing all the stuff by which you are tired then its time for a bubble bath. It does not only refresh you but also helps you to get good sleep.
Write Short Stories and Share with Your Friends
During this free time write some short and interesting stories and do not forget with your friends.
Be a Social Influencer
Learn the way of social influencing during this lock-down and find a new way of making online income.
Get New Ideas on Pinterest
If you are running a business and looking for some new ideas the tryout Pinterest today. It’s a wonderful platform to get new ideas to improve your business.
Be a Gamer
If you love gaming and want to try some new games then it’s the time when you can play some new games. Also, you can break your old records into your previous games.
Learn Some Daily Life Hacks on Youtube
Youtube is a collection of billions of videos that contains some useful daily life hack video. This will help to improve your daily life problems.
Make an Audio Story With Your Family
Call your relatives and record their voices and make an audio story. Start doing with unique thing which will stand you out from others.
Show Love to Whom You are Grateful
Call those people whom you are grateful to and thanks to them in this hard time. Doing this will give them and you a cheer of happiness.
Plan Your Financial Position
Nobody knows how many days this outbreak will go and one important thing you can do to keep yourself busy is financial planning.
Dye Your Hair
Dye your hair with new colors and rate them. After this outbreak, you can make them as your permanent hair color.
Try New Hairstyle
Just like hair color, you can try a new hairstyle and make it a permanent style. Start from today and if you need some ideas then google it.
Use Tik-Tok For Fun
Millions of people are using Tik-Tok for fun. You can also be a family of this online video streaming family to spend your time.
Read Comic Books
Comic books are also one of those best ways to keep you busy during the time of self-quarantine.
Train Your Pet
If you have a pet then it’s the perfect time to train them. Teach new techniques to your pets and improve their skills.
Re-organize Your Racks
Throw out your old stuff and re-organize your racks with only necessary things. This will help you to make more space in your home.
Learn Dancing
Hire an online dancing instructor and learn some dancing moves during this outbreak session. Share your daily improvement with your friends.
Grow a Beard
Don’t be offended if you are female or don’t have a beard. If you have beards then its time to grow as large as possible.
Learn Tongue Twister
Start learning new English words and making them in tongue twister is also the best way you can do during this epidemic.
Increase Your Typing Speed
For all those people who work on the Computer, it’s the best time to enhance your typing speed.
Try Writing From Another Hand
How about trying some new things when you are lock-down for a large duration. Try writing from other hands and see you can do it better or not.
Learn How to Give Speech
If you want to give a proper speech but don’t have an idea how to do it then don’t worry. This is the best time for learning how to give the best speech.
Do Some Gardening
Gardening is also a hobby that you can do to keep yourself busy at this self-quarantine period. It does not only save you from boredom but also help nature.
Become a Beatboxer
Learn the technique of beatboxing and surprise your friends. Beatboxing is one of the amazing skills that you can use to impress many guys or girls.
Learn Rapping
Just like writing songs and poems, you can learn how to rap and even make some rapping collection of yours. When you feel you have done great work then you can share it over youtube.
Increase Your Power-nap Strength
A power nap is very helpful to keep focused on when you at work but not everybody is a master in it. You can use this time to master this skill, which you need later.
Learn New and Old English Words
Improve your English vocabulary by learning some old and new English words that you don’t know yet.
Be a Poker Master
Learn some new tips and tricks of poker and play it with your friends. Show them how better you have become now.
How About Learning the Periodic Table Again
Remember the old days when we learned periodic table in science class. You can do it today with your friends to rewind your childhood.
Look for New Job Opportunities
If you are unsatisfied with your current job and want a better job then it’s the right time to find a new one.
Always Check Latest Updates
Don’t forget to keep yourself updated about Corona Virus outspread during this time. Watching news channels are also one of the things you can do to keep yourself busy.
Try New Ways to Make Coffee
Who does not love coffee? In this free time, you can learn some new tricks to make delicious coffee.
Throw All Unnecessary Things
Throw all the waste products and unimportant things from your home and life that are not important for you.
Sleep a Lot
During COVID-19 lockdown you need to sleep properly to keep yourself healthy and protected from any other disease.