What will happen when we grow old? (View on aging by 97 Years old Seattle Blogger)

A retired nurse is helping by giving an honest review of what will happen when we grow old.

A 97-year old Seattle Blogger explained about the aging what will happen when we grow old. She wrote a passage in every morning and write many passages about the age-related changes.

Carnevelli is retired from the UW School of Nursing and has written medical textbooks. She started her own blog at the age of 92. Engaging with aging

This blog is created by her granddaughter for sharing her thoughts on a better platform. She said that my hands are not picking up the things I used to do. Do I say I lose my hand? No, I am changing How I use them.

Engaging with aging is not an advice blog. It is an experience of an old lady life written by her on a blog. Writing and sharing different experiences through a blog is a hobby of Carnevelli. She also knows the fact that the day will come when her hobby no longer possible. Before that day she wants to share her thoughts and experience of aging through this blog.

Source:- View On Aging

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